Larangan itu dipertikaian oleh beberapa pihak termasuk penafian peguam swasta yang mewakili Speaker ditolak oleh hakim mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh. Penghujahan Wakil dari Penasihat Undang-undang Negeri yang mewakil Speaker diragui kerana pihak berkenaan juga mewakili Zambry dalam kes di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur.
Perintah dikeluarkan oleh Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Ridwan Ibrahim setelah mendengar penghujahan dalam kamarnya oleh pihak Zambry Abdul Kadir dan enam Exco Kudeta kerajaan negeri yang diwakili sepasukan tujuh peguam diketuai oleh Firoz Husain Ahmad Jamaluddi
yang menggemparkan adalah berita ini...kenyataan in ummi ambik dari chatbox notoumno..yang ditulis oleh Tongkat Besi..dan dichat box ummi oleh aduka...
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman yang membuat keputusan Persidangan DUN oleh Sivakumar sebagai tidak sah ADALAH SEORANG YANG TELAH TAMAT tempuh perkhidmatannya. Dia dilantik secara kontrak 2 tahun mulai 1 MARCH 2007 hingga 28 February 2009. Dia membuat penghakiman pada 3 March 2009. iaitu 3 hari selepas
tempuh khidmat dia tamat. PENGHAKIMAN dia TIDAK SAH. Zambri memang kartun...
mahkamah memang tiada hak atas urusan DUN
penghakiman oleh peruruhjaya pencen pun tidak sah. Jadi 2 kali TIDAK SAH = UMNOO GELISAH
IPOH, March 4 — With his term as judicial commissioner ending February 28, the Perak constitutional crisis has taken another twist with the question whether Ridwan Ibrahim was eligible to hear or grant a restraining order against state speaker V Sivakumar yesterday.The Ipoh-based judicial commissioner was first appointed on March 1, 2007 to a two year term which ended last Saturday. It is not known if his term of office has been extended as the newly-minted Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) has yet to meet.
Unlike judges who have full tenure, judicial commissioners get two-year contracts under Article 122AB of the Federal Constitution and can sit to hear cases in the High Court.
A legal source said the judicial commissioners used to get extensions but now have to apply to the JAC for consideration as high court judges. baca selanjutnya di sini
off topic. citer best ttg altantuya dari
A report from the Malaysian police, written on 19th november 2006 and which has been kept secret until now, reveals dry and precise descriptions as to how this young woman, a member of Asian high society, has been killed. In this document, one of the killers, a policeman of the Malaysian Special Branch named Sirul Omar, replied to the questions of an officer at a police station close to the murder scene. “When the Chinese woman saw that I was taking a gun, she begged me to spare her, saying she was pregnant. Azilah (the commanding officer of Sirul) grabbed her and [threw] her on the ground. I immediately shot the left side of her face. Then Azilah took off her clothes and put them in a black plastic bag. Azilah noticed that her hand was still moving. He ordered me to shoot again, which I did”, said Sirul. This is the first confirmation of Altantuya’s assassins’ identity. “Then we carried her body into the woods. Azilah wrapped the explosives around her legs, her abdomen and her head, and we exploded her.
huhu minta doa kepada ALLAH, supaya jgn le nnt klu di takdirkan Agung tak nak memilih NAJIB, baginda harap jangan ade lak yang kate bukan2 pade AGONG macam kat TERENGGANU n PERLIS
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